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Полезное об исследованиях

Национальная безопасность и оборона (артикул: 19444 16271)

Дата выхода отчета: 9 Марта 2013

Компания-исполнитель: доступно зарегистрированным пользователям

География исследования: Россия

Период исследования:  

Количество страниц: 109

Язык отчета: Английский

Способ предоставления: электронный

Стоимость: 29900 руб.


Всегда актуальные исследования рынков и индивидуальные бизнес-планы

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Полное описание:

Product Description 


The Russia Defence & Security Report features Business Monitor International (BMI)'s independent forecasts for national and international security, the defence industry, military expenditure, employment in arms production, and arms imports and exports, as well as examining industry trends and prospects, national and multinational arms producers and the regulatory environment. 


Russia Defence & Security Report provides professionals, consultancies, government departments, regulatory bodies and researchers with independent forecasts and regional competitive intelligence on the Russian defence and security industry. 


Key Benefits 


- Benchmark BMI's independent defence and security industry forecasts on Russia to test other views - a key input for successful budgetary and strategic business planning in the Russian defence and security market. 


- Target business opportunities and risks in the Russian defence and security sector through reviews of latest industry trends, regulatory changes and major deals, projects and investments in Russia. 


- Assess the activities, strategy and market position of your competitors, partners and clients via our Company Profiles (inc. KPIs and latest activity). 


Global Political Outlook 


A strategic overview of the world's major political risks, identifying countries facing leadership successions and nations at risk of upheaval, inter-state conflict or separatism and insurgencies, plus a summary of the world's 'wild card' low-probability high-impact risks. 


SWOT Analysis 


Snapshot evaluation of the major issues affecting the defence and security sectors, economy and politics, with issues subdivided into 'Strengths', 'Weaknesses', 'Opportunities' and 'Threats'. 


Political Risk Assessment 


Drawing on BMI's heritage of more than 25 years of Country Risk analysis, this comprehensively evaluates the key risks to domestic politics and foreign relations, focusing on issues most likely to affect either domestic security or the defence sector. 


Security Risk Analysis 


BMI's proprietary Security Risk Ratings provide a reliable - and country comparable - guide to conflict, terrorism and criminal risk, backed up by our analyst's latest assessment of each component. Furthermore, drawing on our country risk expertise, we assess the state's vulnerability to a serious - or prolonged - terrorist campaign. 


Industry Overview 


Overview of industry landscape and key players; public/private structure, size and value of industry sector; assessment of business operating environment and latest regulatory developments; in-depth review of recent procurement trends and developments. The reports also provide a regional overview which details specific issues and flashpoints affecting Russia, along with potential risks in the coming year. 


Armed Forces Spending/Expenditure 


The reports contain a detailed breakdown of areas of expenditure by the armed forces, these include spending on international deployments, WMDs and missile defence systems as well as individual breakdowns of the cost-per-soldier. 


Domestic Security Overview 


The domestic security overview lists the various potential internal security threats facing a country, ranging from internal security issues such as terrorism, cyber terrorism, crime and drugs, to external security issues including general defence procedures and potential threats from specific countries. 

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